Unique Value of Sport
The Institute recognizes the traditional value of sport for human’s health and physical development, however many occurrences have proved that sport can be utilized in other contexts as well, for example, as a tool promoting social inclusion, peace and stability in the world etc. Sport can also increase honesty, commitment to work and work ethics (fair play principle), the sense of responsibility and augment courage. Contemporary, sport is used to help disadvantaged people. Namely, a lot of sportsmen are engaged in charity. They play, perform or simply donate money for those in need. Sport is likewise used to fight anti-social behaviour, like racism and xenophobia. More and more clubs, societies and individual athletes are ambassadors of equality and friendship.
The Institute has undertaken steps to popularize sport and use it as an integration platform. Our recent project „Sport for All’ was aimed at downgrading stereotypes of posh sports, reserved for elites, and invited people from all walks of life to play tennis and golf. The institute also took patronage over friendly football matches designed to integrate refugees from Syria into society.
More insights on using sport diplomacy as a peaceful means for resolving international disputes can be accessed in our publication section.