Søknader Forskningsrådet

FINNUT is a programme for research and innovation in the educational sector that seeks to develop knowledge of high quality and relevance for policy development, the public administration, the field of practice and the individual, and promotes scientific renewal in research and innovation in the educational sector.
The FINNUT programme will provide funding to research and innovation activities within the following thematic priority areas:
A: Learning processes, assessment forms and learning outcomes;
B: Practice, professional practice and competence-development;
C: Governance, management, organisation and achievement of results;
D: Education, society and working life.

Until 13 February 2019 the approved Institutions from Norway can apply for up to NOK 45 millionsupport for research on the effects of interventions to promote quality in early childhood education and care and primary education. Likewise, until 13 February 2019 proposals can be submitted for up to NOK 15 million support for a research-based evaluation of the structural reform in the higher education sector.

For question or further information click here or contact Kari Tonhild Aune under +47 22 03 73 89 or by email kta@forskningsradet.no.

BEDREHELSE is a programme whose primary objective is to promote research and research-based innovation of high quality that can help to improve public health, enhance quality of life and reduce social inequalities in health
Projects funded under the programme must seek to reduce social inequality in health.
Priority will be given to projects in thematic priority areas not well covered in the current portfolio, such as transitions in life and vulnerable periods in life, alcohol and drug use and addiction.

To promote better quality of research-based public health measures, importance will be attached to projects that:
– employ an interdisciplinary approach and include social science research when relevant;
– employ sound population-based health data and health registries;
– encourage methodological development and analytical capacity,
– combine epidemiological data, randomised trials and qualitative methods.

The project is required to incorporate user involvement. In this context, users include the general population, clients and family members, employees in the health and welfare services and public administration, and the public authorities. Grant proposals must specify the intended users for the project in question, and how they will be involved in the project planning and implementation as well as use of the results.

Deadline for applications is 10 April 2019. In case of queries please contact Torbjørg Øyslebø +47 22 03 71 52 or by email toe@forskningsradet.no